FL Studio Mobile
The Gate plugin is an automated on/off-style volume envelope with control over opening and closing dynamics, hold-open time and with the added advantage of separate (asynchronous) open and close threshold triggering.
To load presets tap the 'Default' (upper right) and choose from the Presets List.
- Asymmetry - The gate can open and close at a lower threshold than it opens. Asymmetry controls this difference. The value shown is how many dB lower than the opening threshold the signal will need to fall before the gate closes. This avoids early closures while maintaining a more responsive gate.
- Threshold - The input level at which the gate opens.
- Peak meters - Show the Input signal and Attack plus Release threshold levels (horizontal lines).
- Mix - Clockwise from 12 O'Clock - In the range from 0% to 100% this controls the amount of gain reduction when the gate is open (i.e a normal gate). Anti-clocwise from 12 O'Clock from 0% to -100% this controls the amount of gain reduction when the gate is closed (i.e, a reverse gate).
- Attack Curve (A.Curve) - The shape of the volume ramp as the gate opens. The gate can start to open relatively slowly then speed up (turn left). Open at a constant rate (12 O'Clock). Or start to open fast then slow down (turn right). The control will reflect this volume envelope on the dial. This does not affect the overall opening time (set by Attack), just how the gate opens (decelerating, constant or accelerating).
- Attack - Time taken for the gate to open.
- Hold - The minimum time the gate will stay open once the signal falls below the close Threshold. This will allow a transient peak to open the gate for a reasonable time.
- Release - How long it takes the gate to close.
- Release Curve (R. Curve) - The shape of the volume ramp as the gate closes. The gate can start to close relatively slowly then speed up (turn left). Close at a constant rate (12 O'Clock). Or start to close fast then slow down (turn right). The control will reflect this volume envelope on the dial. This does not affect the overall opening time (set by Attack), just how the gate opens (decelerating, constant or accelerating)..