Patterns Menu

Patterns contain Note and Automation data for the complete list of instruments in the Channel Rack. Change the selected Pattern using the Patterns Selector Panel located on the Toolbar. For more information on working with Patterns see the Workflow section of the manual.


Pattern selector - Select (left side) and name, copy & work with patterns (right side) from this drop-down menu.

  • Find first empty (Shift + F4) - Find the first unused pattern the list.
  • Find next empty (F4) - Find the next unused pattern the list. The (F4) is a good workflow habit when making new patterns.
  • Find next empty (no naming) (Ctrl+4) - Selects the next empty pattern without opening the 'Rename' pop-up.
  • Select in playlist - Selects all instances of a selected pattern in the Playlist.
  • Rename and color (F2) - Opens the Pattern naming window. Press (F2) again to cycle Pattern colors. The selector can be opened by clicking the square on the end of the rename window. NOTE To Gradient Color Channels make a selection by left-clicking and dragging down on the Channel Selectors and select from the Main Menus Channels > Color selected > Gradient
  • Random color - Set a random color for the selected pattern/s.
  • Open in project browser (Shift+Ctrl+P) - Open in Project Browser. Opens the Browser Project Folder to show the current pattern.
  • Group selected - Opens a filter group pop-up to add the selected Pattern/s to a group. (Right-Click) the Picker Panel Pattern Filter switch to change the group shown in the Picker Panel.
  • Ungroup selected - Removes selected Pattern/s from the current Picker Panel Filter Group.
  • Set time signature - Set a time signature for the selected pattern/s.
  • Transpose ... - Popup a control to transpose the selected Channel/s in semitones. Plus and minus values may be entered.
  • Insert one (Shift+Ctrl+Ins) - Inserts a new empty Pattern before the selected pattern.
  • Clone (Alt/Opt+C) - Makes a copy of the selected pattern after it.
  • Delete (Del) - Deletes the selected pattern.
  • Move up (Shift+Ctrl+Up arrow) - Moves the selected pattern up one number in the Pattern selector list.
  • Move down (Shift+Ctrl+Down) - Moves the selected pattern down one number in the Pattern selector list.
  • Split by channel - Creates a new pattern for each active Channel in the selected pattern. Patterns will be named according to the split Channel. To undo a split by channel - 1. Stack the Pattern Clips in an empty area of the Playlist making sure they are correctly aligned. 2. Select all patterns in the stack. 3. Use the 'Playlist Menu > Edit > Merge selected clips' 4. Delete the merged clip from the Playlist.
  • Quick render as audio clip - Renders the selected Pattern/s to an Audio Clip (.WAV only) using the current Render Settings.

  • Render as audio clip - Renders the selected Pattern/s to an Audio Clip (.WAV only) allowing you to set Render Settings.
  • Render and replace - Renders the selected Pattern/s to an Audio Clip (.WAV only) allowing you to set Render Settings AND replaces instances of the Pattern Clip in the Playlist with the Audio Clip. NOTE: Consider using Playlist menu > Tools > Consolidate clips to include context Automation.

    NOTES: For 'Quick render as audio clip', 'Render as audio clip' and 'Render and replace':

    • Master FX - Pay attention to the Render dialog > Miscellaneous section > Insert and Master FX options, depending on how you plan to use the Audio Clip. Normally Clips are rendered with Master FX OFF and Insert FX ON so Master FX are not applied twice (since all Audio Clips are sent to the Master) and Mixer Insert FX are also 'baked in'. If you plan to send the Audio Clip back to the same Mixer Channel as the source Pattern then turn off both Master and Insert FX.
    • Automation - Song start, or selection, is used to set the automation values that will be fixed for the duration of the Pattern/s. If you want to bounce a Pattern Clip to audio, with in-situ Automation, use Playlist menu > Tools > Consolidate clips or inline Playlist bouncing.