Slicex - Master Panel

Slicex uses advanced beat detection algorithms to slice song/percussion samples into pieces and make them independently playable from the Piano roll or controller. If the wave file contains slice/region data this will be automatically used instead of the beat-detection algorithm. Slicex offers playback, reordering of slices and time-stretching capabilities optimized for drum loops. Related plugins are the Fruity Slicer and Edison.

Master Panel

Controls are described from left to right -

Master levels

  • Master level - Final output volume from Slicex.
  • Master randomness level - Scales the randomness level.
  • Master LFO - Scales the LFO level.
  • Master Pitch - Changes the pitch of all slices.


  • X/Y Modulation Pad - Click here and move your mouse to control linked X and Y controls.
  • Smooth - Smooths modulation input.
  • X & Y knobs - Independent X and Y controls.


To activate layering between regions within OR between Decks A and B, select a layering option from the Options menu. To create a layer simply assign more than one region to the same note/key. These regions can come from within the same deck or between decks. Layered regions are played in order - Deck A (left to right), Deck B (left to right).

  • Drum layering mode - Drop down menu:
    • All - When more than one slice region is assigned to the same note, all will play.
    • All (gain compensated) Same as above, with the total output volume lowered so that two slice regions don't sound louder than one.
    • Velocity-mapped - Velocity values are used to crossfade between co-assigned slice regions using the crossfade method/curve set below the layering menu.
    • Modulation X-mapped - X modulation values are used to crossfade between co-assigned slice regions using the crossfade method/curve set below the layering menu.
    • Modulation Y-mapped - Y modulation values are used to crossfade between co-assigned slice regions using the crossfade method/curve set below the layering menu.
    • Random - A random modulation value is used to crossfade layered slice regions. When the crossfade method is set to NONE this will randomly flip between assigned slice regions.
    • Cycle - Alternates between co-assigned slice regions.
    • Song time-synced - Selects the slice region that is closest to the current tempo.
  • Same deck (switch) - If slice regions from Deck A & B are layered, both will play. If the 'same deck' switch is on and the notes are received from an even MIDI channel co-assigned regions of Deck A will be layered if notes are received from an odd MIDI channel Deck B regions will be layered. Layering is according to the crossfade type selected below. NOTE: Each color in the Piano roll represents a different MIDI channel (1 to 16). To see the number, open the color selector, hover over the note colors and look at the hint bar.
  • Crossfade curve - The crossfade icons select the following crossfade curves:
    • None - Layered regions instantly switch from one to another.
    • Linear - Mathematically linear crossfade.
    • Balanced curve - Perceptually balanced crossfade.
    • Unbalanced curve - Rapid crossfade.
    • Adding - Alternative rapid crossfade.


  • Down arrow

    Macros (scripts that configure Slicex).

    • Assign both decks to whole keyboard - Assigns slices on Decks A and B side-by-side on the keyboard.
    • Assign both decks to black & white notes - Assigns slices on Deck A to white notes and those on Deck B to black notes.
    • Layer both decks - Layers both decks in parallel. That is, region 1 to n of Deck A is layered with the corresponding region 1 to n of Deck B.
    • Layer selections in both decks - Assigns the selection in both decks to the same note.
    • Layer homonymous regions - Layers regions with the same name ('homonymous' adjective - of homonym; having the same name). NOTE: This is a macro so you need to re-run it if you subsequently give some more regions the same name.
    • Assign deck A regions to articulator 1 - Assigns all regions in Deck A to Articulator 1.
    • Assign deck B regions to articulator 2 - Assigns all regions in Deck B to Articulator 2.
    • Normalize layered region levels - Normalizes the volume of layered regions.


    • Sample start covers whole length - OFF: The sample start mapping covers 100ms. ON: Covers the length of the slice region. This setting is used to limit (or not) the sample start modulation articulation to the attack portion of the sound (~ 100 ms).
    • Link velocity to volume - Key velocity controls region slice volume.
    • Loop half of regions - Loops the last 1/2 of regions.
    • HQ envelopes - When selected, envelopes will have greater accuracy.
    • Lock audio data - Prevents editing of the audio.
    • Leave unedited audio data on disk - Unedited audio data is not saved along with the presets/project, and so bloating the size of save files.

    About - Information about Slicex.

  • Auto dump - Automatically dumps Piano roll notes for samples imported into Deck A. Deck B must be forced to dump to the Piano roll using the 'Dump score' button from the Editor panel.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts - Make sure to enable Typing Keyboard Priority to work with keyboard shortcuts in the Editor section & when working with MIDI controllers as it enables transport functions. Disable to play Slicex from the typing keyboard.

Display Modes

  • Keyboard - Shows/hides the preview keyboard
  • Full - Shows all main panels.
  • No audio editor - Hides the audio editor panel (bottom).
  • No region settings - Hides the Articulation panel (middle).
  • Compact - Displays only the Master panel (top).

Articulation Panel

Wave Editor

Keyboard & Piano roll Controls