MIDI Scripting Device API reference

MIDI scripting allows native support for any MIDI controller. Scripts are written in 'Python' code, stored in a plain text file, that FL Studio uses to translate commands between the controller and FL Studio. MIDI communication can go in both directions; The controller can access features in the FL Studio code (as listed below), and FL Studio can send data back to the controller (such as lighting pads or showing track names).

FL Studio MIDI scripts are based on Python. You do not need to install anything, FL Studio will handle scripts directly. When scripts are created in the folders shown below, the scripted device will display in the Controller type menu under the MIDI Settings tab. From there, select the controller and use it as normal.


  • Script hierarchy - As FL Studio natively handles many MIDI functions and messages, this allows you to write simple scripts to handle specific cases or inputs and leave the rest to FL Studio's generic MIDI support. For example, you do not need to tell FL Studio what to do with MIDI notes. If the script doesn't specifically make changes to default behavior, FL Studio will handle them as normal.
  • Scripts are complex - With power and flexibility comes complexity. MIDI scripting is intended for hardware manufacturers and advanced users to create custom support for MIDI controllers. If you are new to programming, MIDI scripting will be confronting and confusing at first. This is normal, but patience and persistence will be rewarded! There are some simple examples to get started on our user forum listed below.

Support Forum

FL Studio customers can access the MIDI Controller Scripting forum to discuss scripting, share scripts, make feature requests and report issues.

Script Locations and File Names

FL Studio will check the following locations for MIDI Scripts and related files:

  • Script files - Scripted device files are located in the User data folder under ... Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Hardware\devicename\device_devicename.py.
    • Script folder naming - The sub folder 'devicename' is arbitrary and can be anything you like. Normally you would use the name of the MIDI hardware you are scripting for.
    • Script file naming - The 'device_devicename' (bold part) can be anything you like to identify the MIDI script file. NOTE: 'device_devicename.py' is mandatory for the device to be processed by FL Studio. You can use spaces and capitals for devicename e.g. 'device_My PHAT Controller.py'.
    • The controller name - Shown in the MIDI Settings > Controller type menu is defined on first line of 'device_devicename.py' script file, e.g. #name=AKAI FL Studio Fire. This will appear in the device list as 'AKAI FL Studio Fire (user)'. The (user) suffix is to distinguish your device scripts from installed factory scripts.
      The controller name is required and your script will be not recognized by FL Studio without it!
    • Editing .py script files - Use any text editor. If you are editing existing scripts, make a backup of the original files.
  • Device (launchmap) pages (optional) - Files are located in ... Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Hardware\devicename\Page(number).scr. Device pages are special use-case and not normally used for standard MIDI controllers.
    • Launchmap files - Launchmaps are custom files that provide different behavior for a controller depending on what mode it is launched in. See the MIDI Controller reference post Custom controller layouts. See also the launchMapPages module.
  • Custom modules - You can include custom or external modules by placing them in the FL Studio installation, shared library folder:
    • Windows - ... /Program Files (x86)/Image-Line/Shared/Python/Lib
    • macOS - ... \Library\Application support\Image-line\Shared\Python\Lib

NOTE: You do not need to install the Python compiler to edit and maintain these scripts, you can open and edit .py files with any text editor. FL Studio MIDI scripting is based on events (Script events) fired by FL Studio and responses (Callbacks) to these events.

Getting Started Tutorials

The basics of working with Script Files:

To start from scratch, you need to create a script file, in the correct location in the FL Studio User data folder. This section and video shows you how to do that, step-by-step.

  1. Create a folder - Using the file browser in your Operating System of choice, browse to your FL Studio User data folder, usually '...Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Hardware\YourScriptSubFolder', where 'YourScriptSubFolder' is a sub folder you created for your script.
  2. Create a script file - In the 'YourScriptSubFolder' folder, create a plain text file 'device_YourScriptName.txt'. Open the text file and add the following line of text, which will be the script name that appears in the MIDI Settings > Controller type list:

      # name=My First Script

    NOTE: There's more information about predefined paramaters here.

  3. Change the file extension type to .py - Change the file extension type from .txt to .py. To do this you must have file-type extensions activated in the browser on your computer. After that, just rename a plain text file 'device_ThisIsMyFistScript.txt' to 'device_ThisIsMyFistScript.py', for example. You can also use the operating system options to open files of type .py in the text editor of your choice.
  4. Select your script in the MIDI Settings - You will now see your script in the MIDI Settings > Controller type list as My First Script (user).
  5. Edit the script - Open this script in FL Studio from the VIEW (menu) > Script output > Edit script (button)
  6. The following video shows steps 4 and 5 above.

This video shows how to find MIDI data coming from a controller, to use in a script:

After creating a script. You will probably want to identify data coming from your controller you want to link to a function in FL Studio, this video shows such an example.

NOTE: For the Interpreter tab to work you must select a script from the MIDI Settings > Controller type option.

The script used in this tutorial is available here.

Script Modules

Script functions (callbacks) are the instructions FL Studio will recognize and act upon in the Python code. Callbacks are organized in modules according to FL Studio target features (Playlist, Patterns, Device etc.). To use callbacks in script, you must load the callback module by including it at the top of the script with 'import':

Script Functions

Callbacks are functions that execute features or act on components in FL Studio. You can for example, use a callback function to name an instrument Channel, move a Channel up/down or delete it. Or, more simply remap the transport buttons in FL Studio to your controller. In other words, callbacks give you deep control over FL Studio and how it operates. To use function in script use following syntax:

  • module.functionName(arguments) - Where 'module' is module name. NOTE: Function names use Lower Camel Case.

Script Events

Script events are functions called by FL Studio, if script needs to respond to the event, add event function to script:

  • def eventName(arguments) - Write response code inside this function. NOTE: Event names use Camel Case

Script predefined parameters

Script 'predefined parameters' are a way to tell FL Studio some additional information about your script. Include predefined parameters at the top of main .py file. Predefines include:

  • name (required) - The name of your script shown in the MIDI Settings > Controller type list.
  • url (optional) - Image-Line MIDI Scripting forum link, where users can discuss or get help for your script. URLs must start with https://forum.image-line.com. For example, the link to the 'Working Scripts list' is https://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?f=1994&t=228179. You can link to any post in the MIDI Scripting forum.
  • receiveFrom (optional) - Specify the device name to receive MIDI events from. If specified, FL Studio will dispatch messages (sent via device.dispatch function) from the specified device.
  • supportedDevices (optional) - Comma separated list of device names supported by your script. If specified, FL Studio will automatically link a script to devices matching names in this list.
  • supportedHardwareIds (optional) - Comma separated list of device hardware id's supported by your script. If specified, FL Studio will automatically link the script to devices with same hardware ids. TIP: You can use partial hardware ID's to omit device firmware version numbers.


  • # name=My Launch Control script
    # url=https://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?p=1494175#p1494175
    # supportedDevices=Launch Control XL,Launch Control XL mkII
    # receiveFrom=Forward Device
    # supportedHardwareIds=00 20 29 61 00 00 00 00 00 02 07

Tools for Testing Functions and Editing Scripts

Open the VIEW menu > Script output window:

  • Interpreter - This Tab allows you to enter and test Script commands to check they work as expected.
  • Script - When a MIDI Script is selected in the MIDI Settings the second tab will show with the name of the device (in this case FL STUDIO FIRE). When there are unhandled MIDI events, the data will be displayed here. NOTE: The Debugging log tab also shows ALL incoming MIDI data.

    NOTE: If your script loads and compiles correctly, you will see init ok, Initialization OK, in the Script window.

    • Clear output - Clears the tabs data.
    • Edit script - Open the current script in the system text editor to make changes.
    • Reload - Apply the edited script so you don't need to restart FL Studio to test it.

Script events

Name Arguments Documentation Version
OnInit - Called when the script has been started. 1
OnDeInit - Called before the script will be stopped. 1
OnMidiIn eventData Called first when a MIDI message is received. Set the event's handled property to True if you don't want further processing - (only raw data is included here: handled, timestamp, status, data1, data2, port, sysex, pmeflags)
use this event for filtering, use OnMidiMsg event for actual processing ...
OnMidiMsg eventData Called for all MIDI messages that were not handled by OnMidiIn. 1
OnSysEx eventData Called for note sysex messages that were not handled by OnMidiIn. 1
OnNoteOn eventData Called for note on messages that were not handled by OnMidiMsg. 1
OnNoteOff eventData Called for note off messages that were not handled by OnMidiMsg. 1
OnControlChange eventData Called for CC messages that were not handled by OnMidiMsg. 1
OnProgramChange eventData Called for program change messages that were not handled by OnMidiMsg. 1
OnPitchBend eventData Called for pitch bend change messages that were not handled by OnMidiMsg. 1
OnKeyPressure eventData Called for key pressure messages that were not handled by OnMidiMsg. 1
OnChannelPressure eventData Called for channel pressure messages that were not handled by OnMidiMsg. 1
OnMidiOutMsg eventData Called for short MIDI out messages sent from MIDI Out plugin - (event properties are limited to: handled, status, data1, data2, port, midiId, midiChan, midiChanEx) 1
OnIdle - Called from time to time. Can be used to do some small tasks, mostly UI related. For example: update activity meters. 1
OnProjectLoad int status Called when project is loaded 16
OnRefresh int flags Called when something changed that the script might want to respond to. 1
OnDoFullRefresh - Same as OnRefresh, but everything should be updated. 1
OnUpdateBeatIndicator int value Called when the beat indicator has changes - "value" can be off = 0, bar = 1 (on), beat = 2 (on) 1
OnDisplayZone - Called when playlist zone changed 1
OnUpdateLiveMode int lastTrack Called when something about performance mode has changed. 1
OnDirtyMixerTrack int index Called on mixer track(s) change, 'index' indicates track index of track that changed or -1 when all tracks changed
collect info about 'dirty' tracks here but do not handle track(s) refresh, wait for OnRefresh event with HW_Dirty_Mixer_Controls flag
OnDirtyChannel int index, int flag Called on channel rack channel(s) change, 'index' indicates channel that changed or -1 when all channels changed
collect info about 'dirty' channels here but do not handle channels(s) refresh, wait for OnRefresh event with HW_ChannelEvent flag
OnFirstConnect - Called when device is connected for the first time (ever) 17
OnUpdateMeters - Called when peak meters needs to be updated
call device.setHasMeters() in onInit to use this event!
OnWaitingForInput - Called when FL Studio is set in waiting mode 1
OnSendTempMsg string message, int duration Called when hint message (to be displayed on controller display) is sent to the controller
duration of message is in ms

Modules and functions

Playlist module

Playlist module allows you to control FL Studio Playlist

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
trackCount - int Returns the current track count. 1
getTrackName int index string Returns the name of the track at "index". 1
setTrackName int index, string name - Changes the name of the track at "index" to "name". 1
getTrackColor int index int Returns the color of the track at "index" as an RGBA value. 1
setTrackColor int index, int color - Changes the color of the track at "index" to the value of "color". 1
isTrackMuted int index int Returns True if the track at "index" is muted. 1
muteTrack int index, (int value* = -1), (int inGroup** = 0) - Toggle whether the track at index is muted. An unmuted track will become muted and a muted track will become unmuted.
Set optional value to 1(mute) or to 0(unmute) track.
Set optional 'inGroup' to 1 to mute/unmute track group (alt + click in FL)
1, *30, *33
isTrackMuteLock int index int Returns True if the Mute for track at "index" is locked. 2
muteTrackLock int index - Toggles the Mute lock status of the track at "index". 2
isTrackSolo int index int Returns True if the track at "index" is currently solo'd. 1
soloTrack int index, (int value = -1), (int inGroup* = 0) - toggle the solo state of the track at "index"
set optional 'value' to 1 to solo track or to 0 unsolo track
set optional 'inGroup' to 1 to solo/unsolo track group (alt + right click in FL)
1, *30
isTrackSelected int index int Returns True if the track at "index" is selected. 12
selectTrack int index - Toggle selection of the track at "index". 12
selectAll - - Select all playlist tracks. 12
deselectAll - - Deselect all playlist tracks. 12
getTrackActivityLevel int index float Returns the activity level of the track at "index" (zero if not active, > 0 if active). 1
getTrackActivityLevelVis int index float Returns the visual activity level of the track at "index" as a normalized value. 1
getDisplayZone - int Returns current display zone in the playlist or zero if none. 1
lockDisplayZone int index, int value - Lock display zone at "index". 1
liveDisplayZone int left, int top, int right, int bottom, (int duration = 0) - Set the display zone in the playlist to the specified co-ordinates - use optional 'duration' parameter to make display zone temporary 1
getLiveLoopMode int index int Get live loop mode. 1
getLiveTriggerMode int index int Get live trigger mode - Result is one of the constants 1
getLivePosSnap int index int Get live pos snap - Result is one of the constants 1
getLiveTrigSnap int index int Get live trig snap - Result is one of the constants 1
getLiveStatus int index, (int mode = LB_Status_Default) int Get live status for track at "index" - Result depends on mode. 1
getLiveBlockStatus int index, int blockNum, (int mode = LB_Status_Default) int Get live block status for track at "index" and for block "blockNum"
Result depends on mode -
getLiveBlockColor int index, int blockNum int Get live block color for track at "index" and for block "blockNum" 1
triggerLiveClip int index, int blockNum, int flags, (float velocity = -1) - Trigger live clip for track at "index" and for block "blockNum". Set blockNum to -1 and use the TLC_Fill flag to stop live clips on this track. 1
refreshLiveClips int index, int value - Refresh live clips for track at "index". 1
incLivePosSnap int index, int value - Increase live pos snap for track at "index" 1
incLiveTrigSnap int index, int value - Increase live trig snap for track at "index". 1
incLiveLoopMode int index, int value - Increase live loop mode for track at "index" 1
incLiveTrigMode int index, int value - Increase live trig mode for track at "index" 1
getVisTimeBar - int Get time bar. 1
getVisTimeTick - int Get time tick. 1
getVisTimeStep - int Get time step. 1
getPerformanceModeState - int Returns 1 when the PL is in performance mode, 0 when it's not. 21

Channels module

Channels module allows you to control FL Studio Channels

'index' is respecting channel groups, 'indexGlobal' is global index

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
selectedChannel (int canBeNone = 0), (int offset = 0), (int indexGlobal = 0) int Returns 'index' (respecting groups) of the first selected channel
When there is no selection, function will return 0 (or -1 if canBeNone is 1)
Use optional 'offset' parameter to find other selected channels
Set optional 'indexGlobal' to 1 to return global channel index instead of index respecting groups
channelNumber (int canBeNone = 0), (int offset = 0) int Returns 'indexGlobal' of the first selected channel
When there is no selection, function will return -1 (or 0 if canBeNone is 1)
Use optional 'offset' parameter to find other selected channels
channelCount (int globalCount* = 0) int Returns the number of channels respecting groups - set optional globalCount* parameter to 1 to get count of all channels 1, *3
getChannelName int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) string Returns the name of the channel at "index". 1, *33
setChannelName int index, string name, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Changes the name of the channel at "index" to "name". 1, *33
getChannelColor int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns the color of the channel at "index". 1, *33
setChannelColor int index, int color, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Changes the color of the channel at "index" to the value of "color". 1, *33
isChannelMuted int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns True if the channel at "index" is muted. 1, *33
muteChannel int index, (int value = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Toggles the muted state of the channel at "index" if value is default, otherwise mute channel if value is 1, or unmute if value is 0. 1, *33
isChannelSolo int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns True if the channel at "index" is soloed. 1, *33
soloChannel int index, (int value* = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex** = False) - Toggles the state of the channel at "index" if value is default. Otherwise solo channel if value is 1 and unsolo if value is 0. 1, *30, **33
getChannelVolume int index, (int useDb* = 0), (bool useGlobalIndex** = False) float Returns the normalized volume (between 0 and 1.0) of the channel at "index" - set optional useDb to 1 to get volume in dB 1, *14, **33
setChannelVolume int index, float volume, (int pickupMode* = PIM_None), (bool useGlobalIndex** = False) - Changes the volume for the channel at "index" - volume is a value between 0 and 1.0
use optional pickupMode to override FL default pickup option
1, *13, **33
getChannelPan int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) float Returns the pan value for the channel at "index", as a value between -1.0 and +1.0. 1, *33
setChannelPan int index, float pan, (int pickupMode* = PIM_None), (bool useGlobalIndex** = False) - Change the pan value of the channel at "index" to the value of "pan" - The value should be between -1.0 and +1.0 - use optional pickupMode to override FL default pickup option 1, *13, **33
getChannelPitch int index, (int mode = 0), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) float/int Returns the pitch value for the channel at "index", as a value between -1.0 and +1.0 - use optional mode parameter to return pitch in semitones (mode = 1) or to return pitch range (mode = 2) 8, *33
setChannelPitch int index, float value, (int pitchUnit = 0), (int pickupMode* = PIM_None), (bool useGlobalIndex** = False) - Change the pitch value of the channel at "index" - The value should be between -1.0 and +1.0 - use optional pitchUnit parameter to send value in semitones (pitchUnit = 1) or to change pitch range (pitchUnit = 2)
use optional pickupMode to override FL default pickup option
8, *13, **33
getChannelType int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns the type of channel, can be one of the following values 19, *33
isChannelSelected int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns True if the channel at "index" is selected. 1, *33
selectOneChannel int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Select channel at "index" exclusively. 8, *33
selectChannel int index, (int value = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Toggle the selection of the channel at "index" - to not toggle, set value to 1 (select) or 0 (deselect) 1, *33
selectAll - - Select all channels in the current channel group. 1
deselectAll - - Deselect all channels in the current channel group. 1
getChannelMidiInPort int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns MIDI port for channel at "index" or one of the following:
-3 receive notes from touch keyboard
-2 this channel will only receive notes when it's the selected channel
-1 receive notes from typing keyboard
1, *33
getChannelIndex int index int Returns 'indexGlobal' for channel at "index" (respecting the groups). 1
getTargetFxTrack int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns target FX track for channel at "index". 1, *33
setTargetFxTrack int channelIndex, int mixerIndex, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Routes the channel at "channelIndex" to the mixer track at "mixerIndex". 28, *33
isHighLighted - int Returns True when red highlight rectangle is active in channel rack. 1
Channel events:
getRecEventId int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns eventID for channel at "index".
Use this eventID in processRECEvent.
Example (to get eventId for volume of first channel):

eventId = midi.REC_Chan_Vol + channels.getRecEventId(0)
incEventValue int eventId, int step, float res* int Get event value increased by step. Use (optional*) res paremeter to specify increment resolution.
Use result as new value in processRECEvent
Example (to increase volume of first channel):

step = 1
eventId = midi.REC_Chan_Vol + channels.getRecEventId(0)
newValue = channels.incEventValue(eventId, step)
general.processRECEvent(eventId, newValue, midi.REC_UpdateValue | midi.REC_UpdateControl)
1, *20: res is optional, default = 1/24
processRECEvent int eventId, int value, int flags int This function is deprecated here and moved to general module. More info here 1, 7(deprecated)
Channel grid bits:
isGridBitAssigned int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns 1 when grid bit for channel at "index" is assigned. 30, *33
getGridBit int index, int position, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns grid bit at "position" for channel at "index". 1, *33
setGridBit int index, int position, int value, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Set grid bit value at "position" for channel at "index". 1, *33
getStepParam int step, int param, int offset, int startPos, (int padsStride = 16), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Get step parameter for step at "step" 1, *33
getCurrentStepParam int index, int step, int param, (bool useGlobalIndex = False) int Get current step parameter for channel at "index" and for step at "step". 1
setStepParameterByIndex int index, int patNum, int step, int param, int value, (bool useGlobalIndex = False) - Set current step parameter for channel at "index" and for step at "step".
set optional useGlobalIndex to 1 to use global channel index
getGridBitWithLoop int index, int position, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Get grid bit with loop for channel at "index". 1, *33
showGraphEditor bool temporary, int param, int step, int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Show graph editor for channel at "index" and for step at "step".
set temporary to false to keep editor open
1, *20
isGraphEditorVisible - bool Returns whether the graph editor is currently visible.
showEditor int index, (int value* = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex** = True) - Show editor (plugin window) for channel at "index" - set optional 'value'* to 1 to show or to 0 to hide editor 1, *3, **33
focusEditor int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = True) - Focus editor (plugin window) for channel at "index". 1, *33
showCSForm int index, (int state* = 1), (bool useGlobalIndex** = True) - Show channel settings (or plugin window for plugins) for channel at "index" - use optional state to 0 (close), 1 (open), -1 (toggle) channel settings window 1, *9, **33
midiNoteOn int indexGlobal, int note, int velocity, (int channel = -1) - Set MIDI note for channel at "indexGlobal". 1
getActivityLevel int index, (bool useGlobalIndex* = True) float Returns activity level for channel at "index". 9, *33
quickQuantize int index, (int startOnly = 1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = True) - Perform quick quantize for channel at "index". 9, *33

Mixer module

Mixer module allows you to control FL Studio Mixer. NOTE: Track number 0 is always the Master.

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
trackNumber - int Returns the index of the currently selected mixer track. 1
getTrackInfo int trackType int Returns track info. 1
setTrackNumber int index, (int flags = -1) - Sets the currently selected mixer track. 1
trackCount - int Returns the number of tracks. 1
getTrackName int index, (int maxLen = -1) string Returns the name of the track at index. 1
setTrackName int index, string name - Changes the name of the track at index to "name". 1
getTrackColor int index int Returns the color of the track at index. 1
setTrackColor int index, int color - Changes the color of the track at index to "color". 1
getSlotColor int index, int slot int Returns the color of the slot of the track at index as an RGBA value. 32
setSlotColor int index, int slot, int color - Changes the color of the slot track at index to the value of "color". 32
isTrackArmed int index int Returns True if the track at index is armed. 1
armTrack int index - Toggle the armed state of the track at index. 1
isTrackSolo int index int Returns True if the track at index is soloed. 1
soloTrack int index, (int value = -1), (int mode = -1) - without value this function will toggle the solo state of the track at index - set optional 'value' to 1 to solo track or to 0 unsolo track
isTrackEnabled int index - Returns True if the track at index is enabled. 1
isTrackAutomationEnabled int index, int plugIndex - Returns True if the track at index has automation enabled. 1
enableTrack int index - Toggle the enabled state of the track at index. 1
isTrackMuted int index - Returns True if the track at index is muted. 2
muteTrack int index, (int value* = -1) - Toggles the Mute status of the track at index if value is default. Otherwise mutes track if value is 1 and unmutes if value is 0. 2, *30
isTrackMuteLock int index int Returns True if the Mute for track at index is locked. 13
getTrackPluginId int index, int plugIndex int Returns plugin id of plugin with plugIndex on the track at index. 1
isTrackPluginValid int index, int plugIndex int Returns True if plugin with plugIndex on the track at index. is valid 1
getTrackVolume int index, (int mode* = 0) float Returns the normalized volume (between 0 and 1.0) of the track at index - set optional mode to 1 to get volume in dB 1, *14
setTrackVolume int index, float volume, (int pickupMode* = PIM_None) - Changes the volume of the track at index - volume is value between 0 and 1.0
use optional pickupMode to override FL default pickup option
1, 13(pickup)
getTrackPan int index float Returns the pan value (between -1.0 and 1.0) for the track at index. 1
setTrackPan int index, float pan, (int pickupMode* = PIM_None) - Changes the panning for the track at index.
pan value is between -1.0 and 1.0 - use optional pickupMode to override FL default pickup option
1, 13(pickup)
getTrackStereoSep int index float Returns the stereo separation value (between -1.0 and 1.0) for the track at index - set optional 'pickup' to 1 to use pickup function, or to 2 to follow FL global pickup setting 12, 13(pickup)
setTrackStereoSep int index, float sep, (int pickupMode = 0) - Changes the stereo separation for the track at index.
sep value is between -1.0 and 1.0.
isTrackSelected int index int Returns True if the track at index is selected. 1
selectTrack int index - Toggle selection of the track at index. 1
setActiveTrack int index - Exclusively select the track at index. 27
selectAll - - Select all mixer tracks. 1
deselectAll - - Deselect all mixer tracks. 1
setRouteTo int index, int destIndex, int value, (bool updateUI* = False) - Set route for track at index to "destIndex". Set optional updateUI to true to update mixer UI (same as afterRoutingChanged) 1, *36
setRouteToLevel int index, int destIndex, float level - Set routeTo level, level is normalized value 36
getRouteToLevel int index, int destIndex float Get routeTo levelas normalized value 36
getRouteSendActive int index, int destIndex int Returns True if route sends from track at index to "destIndex" is active. 1
afterRoutingChanged - - Notify FL about routing changes. 1
getEventValue int index, (int value = MaxInt), (int smoothTarget = 1) int Returns event value from MIDI. 1
remoteFindEventValue int index, (int flags = 0) float Returns event value. 1
getEventIDName int index, (int shortName = 0) str Returns event name (set shortName to True for short name). 1
getEventIDValueString int index, int value string Returns event value as string. 1
getAutoSmoothEventValue int index, (int locked = 1) int Returns auto smooth event value. 1
automateEvent int index, int value, int flags, (int speed = 0), (int isIncrement = 0), (float res = EKRes) int Automate event 1
getTrackPeaks int index, int mode float Returns peaks for track at "index"
returned value is between 0 (silence) and 1 (0db) or < 1 (clipping)
getTrackRecordingFileName int index string Returns recording file name for track at "index" 1
linkTrackToChannel int mode - Link track to channel
"mode" can be one of the: ROUTE_ToThis = 0, ROUTE_StartingFromThis = 1
linkChannelToTrack int channel, int track, (int select = 0) - Link channel to track
"channel" is channel index respecting groups, set optional 'select' to 1 to make track selected
getSongStepPos - int Returns song step position. 1
getCurrentTempo (int asInt = 0) int/float Returns current tempo - set optional "asInt" to True to get result as int 1
getRecPPS - int Returns recording pps. 1
getSongTickPos (int mode = ST_Int) int/float Returns song ticks pos. 1
getLastPeakVol int audioChannel float Returns last peak volume. Set audioChannel to 0 for left volume or to 1 for right volume. 9
getTrackDockSide int index int Returns dock side of the mixer track (index). (0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right)
listen to OnRefresh event (HW_Dirty_Mixer_Controls) flag to update on dock changes
isTrackSlotsEnabled int index int Returns state of mixer track (index) 'Enable effect slots' option. 19
enableTrackSlots int index, (int value = -1) int Toggle mixer track (index) 'Enable effect slots' option. (value: -1 = toggle, 0 = disable, 1 = enable) 19
isTrackRevPolarity int index int Returns state of mixer track (index) 'reverse polarity' option. 19
revTrackPolarity int index, (int value = -1) int Toggle mixer track (index) 'reverse polarity' option. (value: -1 = toggle, 0 = disable, 1 = enable) 19
isTrackSwapChannels int index int Returns state of mixer track (index) 'swap l/r channels' option. 19
swapTrackChannels int index, (int value = -1) int Toggle mixer track (index) 'swap l/r channels' option. (value: -1 = toggle, 0 = disable, 1 = enable) 19
focusEditor int index, int plugIndex - Focus editor (plugin window) for plugIndex on the track at "index". 25
getActiveEffectIndex - tuple[int index, int plugIndex] | None Returns tracks index and pluIndex for focused effect editor or none of no effect editor is focused. 25
getEqBandCount - int Returns number of Eq bands 35
getEqGain int index, int band, (int mode) float Returns Eq gain for band in track (index) as normalized value. Set optional mode to 1 to get value in Db. 35
setEqGain int index, int band, float value - Set Eq gain for band in track (index) as normalized value. 35
getEqFrequency int index, int band, (int mode) float Returns Eq frequency for band in track (index) as normalized value. Set optional mode to 1 to get value in Hz. 35
setEqFrequency int index, int band, float value - Set Eq frequency for band in track (index) as normalized value. 35
getEqBandwidth int index, int band float Returns Eq bandwidth for band in track (index) as normalized value. 35
setEqBandwidth int index, int band, float value - Set Eq bandwidth for band in track (index) as normalized value. 35

Patterns module

Patterns module allows you to control FL Studio Playlist Patterns

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
patternNumber - int Returns the current pattern number. 1
patternCount - int Returns the number of patterns. 1
patternMax - int Returns the maximum pattern number. 1
getPatternName int index string Returns the name of the pattern at "index". 1
setPatternName int index, string name - Changes the name of the pattern at "index" to "name". 1
getPatternColor int index int Returns the color of the pattern at "index". 1
setPatternColor int index, int color - Changes the color of the pattern at "index" to "color". 1
getPatternLength int index int Returns the length of the pattern at "index", in beats. 1
getBlockSetStatus int left, int top, int right, int bottom int Returns the status of the live block - Result is one of the LB_Status_Simplest option constants 1
ensureValidNoteRecord int index, (int playNow = 0) - Ensure valid note of the pattern at "index". 1
jumpToPattern int index - Jum to the pattern at "index" 1
findFirstNextEmptyPat int flags, (int x = -1), (int y = -1) - Find first empty pattern at position x, y 1
Picker panel functions:
isPatternSelected int index int Returns True if patterns at "index" is selected in Picker panel. 2
isPatternDefault int index int Returns True if patterns at "index" is default (empty and unchanged by user). 23
selectPattern int index, (int value = -1), (int preview = 0) - Select pattern at "index" in Picker panel - value: -1 (toggle), 0 (deselect) 1 (select)
preview: set to 1 to preview pattern
clonePattern (int index = -1) - Clone selected pattern(s), or clone panel specified by index (optional) 25
selectAll - - Select all patterns in Picker panel. 2
deselectAll - - Deselect all patterns in Picker panel. 2
burnLoop int index, (int storeUndo = 1), (int updateUi = 1) - Returns activity level for channel at "index" - Set Optional storeUndo to 0 to not store undo step.
Set Optional updateUi to 0 to not update ui.
Pattern groups:
getActivePatternGroup int Returns the index of the currently selected pattern group.
The default "All patterns" grouping has index -1. User-defined pattern groups have indexes starting from 0.
getPatternGroupCount int Returns the number of user-defined pattern groups.
The default "All patterns" grouping is not included.
getPatternGroupName index int str Returns the name of the pattern group at index.
The default "All patterns" group's name cannot be accessed.
getPatternsInGroup int tuple[int, ...] Returns a tuple containing all the patterns in the group at index.
The default "All patterns" group returns a tuple containing all the patterns that haven't been added to any other groups.

Arrangement module

Arrangement module allows you to control FL Studio Playlist Arrangements

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
jumpToMarker int delta, int select - Select a marker - set "delta" to -1, to select the previous marker or to +1 to select the next marker - set "select" to True to select marker as well. 1
getMarkerName int index string Returns the name of the requested marker - If the marker doesn't exist, an empty string is returned. 1
addAutoTimeMarker int time, string name - Add an automatic time marker at "time" with its name set to "name" 1
liveSelection int time, int stop - Set a live selection point at "time" - set "stop" to True, to use end point of the selection (instead of start). 1
liveSelectionStart - int Returns the start time of the current live selection. 1
currentTime int snap int Returns the current time in the current arrangement - set "snap" to True, to get returned value snapped to the grid. 1
currentTimeHint int mode, int time, (int setRecPPB = ), (int isLength = 0) string Returns a hint string for the requested "time" in the current arrangement - "mode" is 0 for pattern mode and 1 for song mode. 1
selectionStart - int Returns the start time of the current selection in the current arrangement. 1
selectionEnd - int Returns the end time of the current selection in the current arrangement. 1

User interface module

Unless otherwise specified, these functions returns how the request was handled.
Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
jog int value int Generic jog control. Can be used to select stuff. "value" is an increment. 1
jog2 int value int Alternate jog control. Can be used to relocate stuff. "value" is an increment. 1
strip int value int Touch-sensitive strip. "value" is -midi.FromMIDI_Max (left most) to midi.FromMIDI_Max (right most). 1
stripJog int value int Touch-sensitive strip in jog mode. "value" is an increment. 1
stripHold int value int Touch-sensitive strip in hold mode - "value" is 0 for release, 1 and 2 for 1 or 2 fingers centered mode, -1 and -2 for 1 or 2 fingers jog mode. 1
previous - int Generic previous control - in mixer: select previous mixer track
in channel rack: select previous channel
in browser: scroll to previous item
in plugin: select previous preset*
1, *9
next - int Generic next control - in mixer: select next mixer track
in channel rack: select next channel
in browser: scroll to next item
in plugin: select next preset*
1, *9
moveJog int value int Used to relocate items. "value" is an increment. 1
up (int value* = 1) int Generic way to move up. 1, *4
down (int value* = 1) int Generic way to move down. 1, *4
left (int value* = 1) int Generic way to move left. 1, *4
right (int value* = 1) int Generic way to move right. 1, *4
horZoom int value int Zoom horizontally by the increment "value". 1
verZoom int value int Zoom vertically by the increment "value". 1
snapOnOff - int Toggle the snap value. 1
cut - int Cut what is selected, if possible. 1
copy - int Copy what is selected, if possible. 1
paste - int Paste previously copied data, if possible. 1
insert - int Press the insert key. 1
delete - int Press the delete key. 1
enter - int Press the enter key. 1
escape - int Press the escape key. 1
yes - int Press the 'Y' key. 1
no - int Press the 'N' key. 1
FL Studio Hints:
getHintMsg - string Returns program hint message 1
setHintMsg string msg - Set program hint message 1
getHintValue int value, int max string Returns hint for value 1
getTimeDispMin - int Returns True when time display is set to 'minutes' 1
setTimeDispMin - - Set time display to minutes 1
Window handling:
getVisible int index int Returns visible state (0 or 1) of window specified by index 1
showWindow int index - Show window specified by index 1
hideWindow int index - Hide window specified by index 5
getFocused int index int Returns focused state (0 or 1) of window specified by index 1
setFocused int index - Set focused state (0 or 1) of window specified by index 2
getFocusedFormCaption - string Returns caption of focused window 1
getFocusedFormID - int Returns ID of focused window. This ID is:
- FL Window constant when Channel rack, Browser, Mixer, Playlist or Piano Roll is focused..
- channel index for Generator plugins or -1 fopr invalid plugin
- effect plugin id: (track << 6 + index) << 16
getFocusedPluginName - string Returns Original Plugin Name of focused window 5
scrollWindow int index, int value, (directionFlag* = 0) - Scroll window specified by index
value is track number(mixer), channel number(channel rack), playlist track(playlist) or channel step(channel rack), playlist bar(playlist) when directionFlag is set to 1
13, *15
nextWindow - int Focus the next window. 1
selectWindow int shift int Press the TAB key - set "shift" to True, to make it act as if Shift + TAB is pressed. 1
launchAudioEditor int reuse, string filename, int index, string preset, string presetGUID int Launch audio editor for track at "index" and returns editor state
set "reuse" to True to reuse opened audio editor (if any)
"filename" is path to audio file
openEventEditor int eventId, int mode, (int newWindow = 0) int Launch event editor for "eventId"
example: openEventEditor(channels.getRecEventId(0) + midi.REC_Chan_PianoRoll, midi.EE_PR) to open piano roll for channel 0
Menu handling:
isInPopupMenu - int Returns True when application popup menu is active 1
closeActivePopupMenu - - Close active popup menu 1
isClosing - int Returns True if application is closing 1
isMetronomeEnabled - int Returns True when metronome is enabled. 1
isStartOnInputEnabled - int Returns True when start on input is enabled. 1
isPrecountEnabled - int Returns True when precount is enabled. 1
isLoopRecEnabled - int Returns True when loop recording is enabled. 1
getSnapMode - int snapMode Returns snap mode. 1
setSnapMode int snapMode - Set snap mode. 24
snapMode int value int Select another snap mode - "value" is an increment: -1 (previous), 1 (next) mode. 1
getStepEditMode - bool Returns the state of the "step edit mode" control 28
setStepEditMode newValue: bool - Sets the state of the "step edit mode" control 28
getProgTitle - string Returns program title 1
getVersion (int mode* = 4) string / int Returns program version string (or number)
optional mode parameter can be one of the following: VER_Major = 0; VER_Minor = 1; VER_Release = 2; VER_Build = 3; VER_VersionAndEdition = 4; VER_FullVersionAndEdition = 5; VER_ArchAndBuild = 6 **
1, *7, **13
crDisplayRect int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int duration, (int flags* = 0) - Display channel rack selection rectangle - by default selection works on channel rack steps, see flags for additional options
set 'duration' in ms, or use duration = midi.MaxInt to set rectangle 'on' and duration = 0 (**) to set rectangle 'off'
1, *14, **16
miDisplayRect int start, int end, int duration, (int flags** = 0) - Display mixer selection rectangle - define "start" and "end" track number, use 0 for Master track, 126 for Current track
set 'duration' in ms, or use duration = midi.MaxInt to set rectangle 'on' and duration = 0 (*) to set rectangle 'off'
13, *16, **17
miDisplayDockRect int start, int numTrack, int dock, int duration - Display selection rectangle in mixer dock- define "start" and "numTrack" track number
set dock to 0 for left dock, or to 1 for right dock
set 'duration' in ms, or use duration = midi.MaxInt to set rectangle 'on' and duration = 0 (*) to set rectangle 'off'
Browser handling:
navigateBrowser int direction, int shiftHeld* string Navigate browser nodes or browser menu (right click menu for active node)
set direction to one of the FPT_Up, FPT_Down, FPT_Left, FPT_Right constants
set shiftHeld to 1 to expand/open browser node
function returns caption of active node
22, *31
toggleBrowserNode (int value = -1) - Toggle whether browser node is expandend.
Set optional value to 1(expand) or to 0(collapse) node.
navigateBrowserTabs int direction string Navigate browser tabs
set direction to one of the FPT_Left, FPT_Right constants
function returns name of the newly selected tab
selectBrowserMenuItem - - Select browser menu item (navigated by navigateBrowser) 1
previewBrowserMenuItem - - Start preview of active browser node 1
getFocusedNodeFileType - int Return type for active node or -1 when no node is active 1
getFocusedNodeCaption - string Return caption for active node or empty string when no node is active 1
isBrowserAutoHide - int Return 1 when browser auto-hide option is enabled 1
setBrowserAutoHide int autoHide - Set autoHide to 1 to enable browser auto-hide option 1

Transport module

This module handles FL Studio Transport (Play, Stop, Pause & Record)

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
globalTransport int command, int value, (int pmeflags = PME_System), (int flags = GT_ALL) int Call the GlobalTransport function with the appropriate parameters - Use this function inside one of the eventData script events and pass eventData.pmeflags as "pmeflags" parameter
start - - Start playback. 1
stop - - Stop playback. 1
record - - Toggle recording. 1
isRecording - int Returns True when recording is active. 1
getLoopMode - int Returns the current looping mode (pattern = 0, song = 1). 1
setLoopMode - - Toggle loop mode. 1
getSongPos (int mode* = -1) float Returns the song position as a normalized value (0..1) - or in specified format when mode* is set 1, *3
setSongPos float position, (int mode* = -1) - Set the song position - "position" is a normalized value (0..1) - or in specified format when mode* is set 1, *4
getSongLength int mode int Get the song length. 3
getSongPosHint - string Returns a hint for the current song position. 1
isPlaying - int Returns True if the program is playing. 1
markerJumpJog int value, (int flags = GT_All) - Jump to a marker position - "value" is an increment. 1
markerSelJog int value, (int flags = GT_All) - Select a marker - "value" is an increment. 1
getHWBeatLEDState - int Returns the state of the hardware LED beat indicator. 1
Playback speed control:
rewind int startStop, (int flags = GT_All) - Rewind the song position - Each call to this function with startStop = SS_Start, must be stopped with startStop = SS_Stop 1
fastForward int speed - Forward the song position 1
continuousMove int speed, int startStop - Start Continuous move - This function do same as rewind and fastforward but you can control speed.
Set speed (> 0) to move forward and (< 0) to move backward (speed = (1) is normal speed forward)
Each call to this function with startStop = SS_Start, must be stopped with startStop = SS_Stop
continuousMovePos int speed, int startStop - Start Continuous move - Set speed (> 0) to move forward and (< 0) to move backward (speed = (1) is normal speed forward).
Set startStop to (2) to start and to (0) to stop
setPlaybackSpeed float speedMultiplier - Set a playback speed multiplier - Set speedMultiplier = (1) is normal speed, set to value between (1/4 ... 1) for slower and between (1 ... 4) faster movement 1

Device module

Device module will handle MIDI devices connected to the FL Studio MIDI interface. You send messages to output interface, retrieve linked control values... etc). MIDI scripts, assigned to an input interface, can be mapped (linked) to an Output interface via the Port Number. With mapped (linked) output interfaces, scripts can send midi messages to output interfaces by using one of the midiOut*** messages.

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
isAssigned - int Returns True if (linked) output interface is assigned. 1
getPortNumber - int Returns the interface port number. (or -1 when port number is not assigned)
this is same number as interface port number set in FL Studio Midi settings
getName - int Returns the device name 7
midiOutMsg int message - Send a MIDI message to the (linked) output interface - "message" holds the value to be sent, with the channel and command in the lower byte and the first and second data values in the next two bytes. 1
midiOutMsg int midiId, int channel, int data1, int data2 - Send a MIDI message to the (linked) output interface (alternative version with separate parameters) 2
midiOutNewMsg int slotIndex, int message - Send a MIDI message to the (linked) output interface, but only if the value has changed - "slotIndex" is a value chosen by the caller, it should be the same as it was for the previous message that should be compared with - "message" holds the value to be sent. 1
midiOutSysex string message - Send a SYSEX message to the (linked) output interface. 1
sendMsgGeneric (deprecated) int64 id, string message, string lastMsg, (int offset = 0) string Send a text string as a SYSEX message to the (linked) output interface - "id" holds the first 6 bytes of the message (starting with 0xF0). The end value 0xF7 is added automatically - "message" is the text to send
"lastMsg" is the string returned by the previous call to this function - function returns updated lastMsg
processMIDICC eventData - Let FL process a CC message - use this function inside OnMidiMsg and pass (modified) eventData object as function parameter 1
forwardMIDICC int message, (int forwardTo = 1) - Forward CC message to plugin - Use this function to forward midi cc messages to FL plugin(s) - Specify message as: message = status + (data1 << 8) + (data2 << 16) + (port << 24)
Message will be forwarded to active (focused) plugin - Use optional forwardTo parameter to send message to selected channel (forwardTo = 2) or to all plugins (0) - Remark: midi input port of plugin must be equal to port specified in message.
directFeedback eventData - Send a received message on to the (linked) output interface - use this function inside OnMidiMsg and pass (modified) eventData object as function parameter 1
repeatMidiEvent eventData, (int delay = 300, int rate = 300) - Start repeatedly sending out the previously sent message - It will be sent first after "delay" milliseconds, and afterwards every "rate" milliseconds. 1
stopRepeatMidiEvent - - Stop repeating the message sent with repeatMidiEvent. 1
Control events:
findEventID int controlId, (int flags = []) int Returns eventID for controlId or REC_InvalidID when nothing is linked to this control
"flags" can be one of the: FEID_Flags_Skip_Unsafe = 1 (skip unsafe (using formula) links)
getLinkedValue int eventID float Returns normalized value of the linked control via eventID
(to get control eventId, use findEventID function) - Result is -1 if there is no linked control.
getLinkedValueString int eventID string Returns text value of linked control via eventID
(to get control eventId, use findEventID function) - Result is ERR_PLUGINNOTVALID if there is no linked control.
getLinkedChannel int eventID int Returns MIDI channel number for linked control via eventID
(to get control eventId, use findEventID function) - Result is -1 if there is no linked control.
getLinkedParamName int eventID string Returns parameter name of the control linked via eventID
(to get control eventId, use findEventID function) - Result is ERR_PLUGINNOTVALID if there is no linked control.
getLinkedInfo int eventID int Returns information about the linked control via eventID
(to get control eventId, use findEventID function) - Result is -1 if there is no linked control, otherwise result is one or more of the constants
linkToLastTweaked int controlIndex, int channel, (int globalLink, int eventID) int this function will create a regular (or global) controller link for the last tweaked parameter.
set optional eventID to assign link to specific control instead of last tweaked control
function returns (0) on success, (1) when nothing was tweaked or (2) when control is in use
getDeviceID bytes Returns the ID of the device, which is the identifying component of its response to a universal device enquiry Sysex message.
Note that this does not include the Sysex header (0xF0, 0x7E, 0x01, 0x06, 0x02), or the ending byte (0xF7). Also note that for many devices, it will also contain the firmware version, meaning that you should may wish to ignore the final 4 bytes of the response.
Refresh thread:
createRefreshThread - - Start a threaded refresh of the entire MIDI device. 1
destroyRefreshThread - - Stop a previously started threaded refresh. 1
fullRefresh - - Trigger a previously started threaded refresh - If there is none, the refresh is triggered immediately. 1
isDoubleClick int index int Returns True if the function was called with the same index shortly before, indicating a float click. 1
setHasMeters - - use this in OnInit event to tell FL Studio device use peak meters 1
baseTrackSelect int index, int step - Base track selection (for control surfaces). Set step to MaxInt for reset. 1
hardwareRefreshMixerTrack int index - Let FL Studio dispatch OnDirtyMixerTrack event to all midi devices. Use index = -1 for all tracks 1
Dispatching between devices:
dispatch int ctrlIndex, int message, (bytes sysex) - Dispatch midi message (or sysex) to controller specified by ctrlIndex - receiver (script) must define sender(s) inside script: # receiveFrom="Sender name" 1
dispatchReceiverCount - int Returns number of available receivers. 1
dispatchGetReceiverPortNumber int ctrlIndex int Returns port number of receiver specified by ctrlIndex. 5
setMasterSync int value - Toggle (value = 1 to enable, 0 to disable) send master synch for current device 18
getMasterSync - int Returns 'send master synch' state for current device (1 = enableb) 19

Plugins module

This module handles FL Studio plugins (by their position in mixer or channel rack)
to access generator plugins (channel rack), specify channel rack index, for effects specify mixer index and slotIndex. Set optional useGlobalIndex to true to use global channel index.

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
isValid int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns true if there is valid plugin at position of index/slotindex 8, *26
getPluginName int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (int userName* = 0), (bool useGlobalIndex** = False) string Returns plugin name for plugin at position of index/slotindex - Set optional userName parameter to 1 to get user name for plugin slot instead of original plugin name (will return plugin name if user didn't change name for slot) 8, *12, **26
getParamCount int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns plugin parameter count for plugin at position of index/slotindex 8, *26
getParamName int paramIndex, int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) string Returns plugin parameter (paramIndex) name for plugin at position of index/slotindex 8, *26
getParamValue int paramIndex, int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns plugin parameter (paramIndex) value for plugin at position of index/slotindex as normalized value 8, *26
setParamValue float value, int paramIndex, int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (int pickupMode* = PIM_None), (bool useGlobalIndex** = False) int Sets value (normalized) for plugin parameter (paramIndex) for plugin at position of index/slotindex
use optional pickupMode to override FL default pickup option
8, *17, **26
getParamValueString int paramIndex, int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) string Returns plugin parameter (paramIndex) value as string for plugin at position of index/slotindex
this function is only supported by some of the plugins, support for more plugins will be added later
8, *26
getColor int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (int flag = GC_BackgroundColor), (int paramIndex = 0), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns various plugin color parameter values for plugin at position of index/slotindex 12, *26
getName int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (int flag = FPN_Param), (int paramIndex = 0), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) string Returns various plugin name parameter values for plugin at position of index/slotindex
optional paramIndex depends on flag
13, *26
getPadInfo int index, (int slotIndex), (int paramOption), (int paramIndex), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns pad parameters for plugin at position of index/slotindex
use PAD_Count as paramOption to get number of pad parameters supported by plugin
19, *26
getPresetCount int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) int Returns number of presets for plugin at position of index/slotindex 15, *26
nextPreset int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Navigate to next preset in plugin at position of index/slotindex 10, *26
prevPreset int index, (int slotIndex = -1), (bool useGlobalIndex* = False) - Navigate to previous preset in plugin at position of index/slotindex 10, *26

General module

This module handles general FL Studio functions

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
saveUndo string undoName, int flags, (int updateHistory = 1) - Saves undo history point (level)
set optional updateHistory parameter to 0 to hide undo point in browser history
undo - int Undo last history level
this function mimic FL Studio CTRL+Z functionality: it steps forward through the history, unless you are at the latest step (in this case, undo works as the standard one step undo/redo shortcut).
undoUp - int Move up in undo history (up one level) 1
undoDown - int Move down in undo history (down one level) 4
undoUpDown int offset int Move up or down in undo history by offset 1
restoreUndoLevel int level - Restore to specific undo point (level) 1
getUndoLevelHint - string Returns undo level hint 1
getUndoHistoryPos - int Returns undo history position 1
getUndoHistoryCount - int Returns undo history length 1
getUndoHistoryLast - int Returns last undo history position 1
setUndoHistoryPos int index - Set undo history position 1
setUndoHistoryCount int value - Set undo history count 1
setUndoHistoryLast int index - Set undo history last position 1
getRecPPB - int Returns the current time signature value. (Timebase * Numerator) 1
getRecPPQ - int Returns the current timebase (PPQ) 8
getUseMetronome - int Returns True when metronome is used 1
getPrecount - int Returns precount value 1
getChangedFlag - int Get FL Studio project "changed' flag
Result is one of the: 0 = clean, 1 = dirty, 2 = dirty but clean for autosave
getVersion - int Returns Midi scripting API version number 1
restoreUndo - int Deprecated, use undo 1
processRECEvent int eventId, int value, int flags int Process recorded event for event with eventID
Use this function to do various operations (specified by flags) with FL Studio recorded events, you can for example set or get event values.
Function wil return event value or REC_InvalidID (for invalid eventID)
dumpScoreLog int time, (int silent = 0) - Dump score log, specify time to dump (time), use optional (silent) flag to supress message when score is empty 15
clearLog - - Clear log 15
safeToEdit - int Returns 1 when safe to use setter functions 29

LaunchMapPages module

Some controllers support pages (custom controller layouts), this optional module helps to handle this pages.

LaunchMapPages reference

Command Arguments Result Documentation Version
init string deviceName, int width, int height - Initialize launchmap pages. 1
createOverlayMap int offColor, int onColor, int width, int height - Creates overlay map. 1
length - int Returns launchmap pages length. 1
updateMap int index int Updates launchmap page at "index". 1
getMapItemColor int index, int itemIndex int Returns color at "itemIndex" of page at "index" 1
getMapCount int index int Returns length of items of page at "index" 1
getMapItemChannel int index, int itemIndex int Returns destination channel at "itemIndex" of page at "index" 1
getMapItemAftertouch int index, int itemIndex int Returns aftertouch for item at "itemIndex" of page at "index" 1
processMapItem eventData, int index, int itemIndex, int velocity - Process map item at "itemIndex" of page at "index" 1
releaseMapItem eventData, int index - Release map item at "itemIndex" of page at "index" 1
checkMapForHiddenItem - - Checks for launchpad hidden item. 1
setMapItemTarget int index, int itemIndex, int target int Set target for item at "itemIndex" of page at "index". 1



Parameter Type Documentation
handled bool (r/w) set to True to stop event propagtion
timestamp time (r) timestamp of event
status int (r/w) MIDI status
data1 int (r/w) MIDI data1
data2 int (r/w) MIDI data2
port int (r) MIDI port
note int (r/w) MIDI note number
velocity int (r/w) MIDI velocity
pressure int (r/w) MIDI pressure
progNum int (r) MIDI program number
controlNum int (r) MIDI control number
controlVal int (r) MIDI control value
pitchBend int (r) MIDI pitch bend value
sysex bytes (r/w) MIDI sysex data
isIncrement bool (r/w) MIDI is increament state
res float (r/w) MIDI res
inEv int (r/w) Original MIDI event value
outEv int (r/w) MIDI event output value
midiId int (r/w) MIDI midiID
midiChan int (r/w) MIDI midiChan (0 based)
midiChanEx int (r/w) MIDI midiChanEx
pmeflags int (r) MIDI pmeflags


All constants below are defined in module 'midi'. Include the MIDI module at the top of the script with 'import':

  • import midi

OnProjectLoad status

Parameter Value Documentation
PL_Start 0 Called when project loading start
PL_LoadOk 100 Called when project was succesfully loaded
PL_LoadError 101 Called when project loading stopped because of error

OnDirtyChannel flags

Parameter Value Documentation
CE_New 0 new channel is added
CE_Delete 1 channel deleted
CE_Replace 2 channel replaced
CE_Rename 3 channel renamed
CE_Select 4 channel selection changed

OnRefresh flags

Parameter Value Documentation
HW_Dirty_Mixer_Sel 1 mixer selection changed
HW_Dirty_Mixer_Display 2 mixer display changed
HW_Dirty_Mixer_Controls 4 mixer controls changed
HW_Dirty_RemoteLinks 16 remote links (linked controls) has been added/removed
HW_Dirty_FocusedWindow 32 channel selection changed
HW_Dirty_Performance 64 performance layout changed
HW_Dirty_LEDs 256 various changes in FL which require update of controller leds
update status leds (play/stop/record/active window/.....) on this flag
HW_Dirty_RemoteLinkValues 512 remote link (linked controls) value is changed
HW_Dirty_Patterns 1024 pattern changes
HW_Dirty_Tracks 2048 track changes
HW_Dirty_ControlValues 4096 plugin cotrol value changes
HW_Dirty_Colors 8192 plugin colors changes
HW_Dirty_Names 16384 plugin names changes
HW_Dirty_ChannelRackGroup 32768 Channel rack group changes
HW_ChannelEvent 65536 channel changes

Live status mode

Parameter Value Documentation
LB_Status_Default 0 (Default) Result will be one or more of: any filled = 1, any scheduled = 2, any playing = 4
LB_Status_Simple 1 Result will be one of the: empty = 0, filled = 1, none playing (or scheduled) = 2, none scheduled (and not playing) = 3

Live block status mode

Parameter Value Documentation
LB_Status_Default 0 (Default) Result will be one or more of: filled = 1, scheduled = 2, playing = 4
LB_Status_Simple 1 Result will be one of the: empty = 0, filled = 1, playing (or scheduled) = 2, scheduled (and not playing) = 3
LB_Status_Simplest 2 Result will be one of the: empty = 0, filled = 1, playing or scheduled = 2

Live block status flags

Parameter Value Documentation
LB_Status_Filled 1 Filled
LB_Status_Scheduled 2 Scheduled
LB_Status_Playing 4 Playing

Track solor mode

Parameter Value Documentation
fxSoloModeWithSourceTracks 1 Solo mixer track (include tracks routed to it)
fxSoloModeWithDestTracks 2 Solo mixer track (include sends)
fxSoloModeWithSourceTracks + fxSoloModeWithDestTracks 3 Solo track and all tracks routed TO and FROM it, same as Alt/Opt+Click in FL Studio
fxSoloModeIgnorePrevious 4 Solo only this track, muting all other tracks

Live loop mode

Parameter Value Documentation
LiveLoop_Stay 0 Stay
LiveLoop_OneShot 1 One shot
LiveLoop_MarchWrap 2 March and wrap
LiveLoop_MarchStay 3 March and stay
LiveLoop_MarchStop 4 March and stop
LiveLoop_Random 5 Random
LiveLoop_ExRandom 6 Random (avoid previous)

Live trigger mode

Parameter Value Documentation
LiveTrig_Retrigger 0 Retrigger
LiveTrig_Hold 1 Hold and stop
LiveTrig_HMotion 2 Hold and motion
LiveTrig_Latch 3 Latch

Live Snap

Parameter Value Documentation
LiveSnap_Off 0 Off
LiveSnap_Fourth 1 1/4 beat
LiveSnap_Half 2 1/2 beat
LiveSnap_One 3 1 beat
LiveSnap_Two 4 2 beats
LiveSnap_Four 5 4 beats
LiveSnap_Auto 6 Auto

Channel types

Parameter Value Documentation
CT_Sampler 0 Internal sampler
CT_Hybrid 1 generator plugin feeding internal sampler
CT_GenPlug 2 generator plugin
CT_Layer 3 Layer
CT_AudioClip 4 Audio clip
CT_AutoClip 5 Automation clip

Channel rack rectangle flags

Parameter Value Documentation
CR_HighlightChannels 1 when specified, crDisplayRect works on channels instead of steps
CR_ScrollToView 2 scroll channel rack rectangle to view
CR_HighlightChannelMute 4 when specified, crDisplayRect works on channels and highlights only mute control
CR_HighlightChannelPanVol 8 when specified, crDisplayRect works on channels and highlights only pan and volume controls
CR_HighlightChannelTrack 16 when specified, crDisplayRect works on channels and highlights only track control
CR_HighlightChannelName 32 when specified, crDisplayRect works on channels and highlights only channel name button
CR_HighlightChannelSelect 64 when specified, crDisplayRect works on channels and highlights only channel selection control

Trigger live clip flags

Parameter Value Documentation
TLC_MuteOthers 1 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_Fill 2 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_Queue 4 Queue mode
TLC_Release 32 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_NoPlayCheck 64 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_NoHardwareUpdate 1073741824 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_SecondPass 2147483648 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_ColumnMode 128 Scene mode
TLC_WeakColumnMode 256 + Scene mode
TLC_TriggerCheckColumnMode 512 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_TrackSnap 0 Use performance mode track setting trigger snap
TLC_GlobalSnap 8 Use FL global snap value as trigger snap
TLC_NoSnap 16 Bypass all tigger snap
TLC_SubNum_Normal 0 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_SubNum_ClipPos 65536 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_SubNum_GroupNum 131072 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_SubNum_Read 196608 (TODO: needs explanation)
TLC_SubNum_Leave 262144 (TODO: needs explanation)

REC events

Parameter Value Documentation
REC_Chan_Vol 0 Channel volume
REC_Chan_Pan 1 Channel pan
REC_Chan_FCut 2 Channel filter cutoff
REC_Chan_FRes 3 Channel filter resonance
REC_Chan_Pitch 4 Channel pitch
REC_Chan_FType 5 Channel filter type
REC_Chan_PortaTime 6 Channel portamento time
REC_Chan_Mute 7 Channel Mute
REC_Chan_FXTrack 8 Chanel FX target
REC_Chan_GateTime 9 Channel gate time
REC_Chan_Crossfade 10 Channel crossfade
REC_Chan_TimeOfs 11 Time offset
REC_Chan_SwingMix 12 Swing mix
REC_Chan_SmpOfs 13 Sample offset
REC_Chan_StretchTime 14 Time stretch time
REC_Chan_OfsPan 16 Levels adjustment pan
REC_Chan_OfsVol 17 Levels adjustment volume
REC_Chan_OfsPitch 18 Levels adjustment pitch
REC_Chan_OfsFCut 19 Levels adjustment Mod X
REC_Chan_OfsFRes 20 Levels adjustment Mod Y

use above parameters together with channel rec event id getRecEventId
for example, to change volume for channel at 'index' use:
midi.REC_Chan_Vol + channels.getRecEventId(index)

Parameter Value Documentation
REC_Mixer_Vol 536879040 Mixer volume
REC_Mixer_Pan 536879041 Mixer pan
REC_Mixer_SS 536879042 Mixer stereo separation
REC_Mixer_EQ_Gain 536879056 Mixer EQ gain
REC_Mixer_EQ_Freq 536879064 Mixer freq
REC_Mixer_EQ_Q 536879072 Mixer Q
REC_Mixer_EQ_Type 536879080 Mixer type

use above parameters together with mixer track plugin id getTrackPluginId
for example, to change volume for mixer track at 'index' use:
midi.REC_Mixer_Vol + mixer.getTrackPluginId(index, 0)

REC event flags

Parameter Value Documentation
REC_UpdateValue 1 update the value
REC_GetValue 2 retrieves the value
REC_ShowHint 4 updates the hint (if any)
REC_UpdatePlugLabel 16 updates the label for the plugin param
REC_UpdateControl 32 updates the wheel/knob
REC_FromMIDI 64 value from 0 to FromMIDI_Max has to be translated
REC_Store 128 store value when recording automation
REC_SetChanged 256 set the changed flag
REC_SetTouched 512 set as touched event
REC_Init 1024 make sure to init the channel with the previous value before storing
REC_NoLink 2048 don't check if wheels are linked
REC_InternalCtrl 4096 sent by an internal controller
REC_PlugReserved 8192 free to use by plugins
REC_Smoothed 16384 smoothed up controller, almost same as internal controller
REC_NoLastTweaked 32768 coming from last tweaked
REC_NoSaveUndo 65536 used when undoing a previous change
REC_InitStore REC_Init | REC_Store combined parameter for control automation recording
REC_Control REC_UpdateValue | REC_UpdateControl | REC_ShowHint | REC_InitStore | REC_SetChanged | REC_SetTouched combined tag for changing values from midi controller
REC_MIDIController REC_Control | REC_FromMIDI combined tag for changing values from midi controller (when value needs to be translated)

Step parameters

Parameter Value Documentation
pPitch 0 Note pitch
pVelocity 1 Velocity
pRelease 2 Release velocity
pFinePitch 3 Fine pitch
pPan 4 Panning
pModX 5 Per step Mod X value
pModY 6 Per step Mod Y value
pShift 7 Shift

Global transport commnads

Parameter Value Documentation
FPT_Jog 0 (jog) generic jog (can be used to select stuff)
FPT_Jog2 1 (jog) alternate generic jog (can be used to relocate stuff)
FPT_Strip 2 touch-sensitive jog strip, value will be in -midi.FromMIDI_Max..midi.FromMIDI_Max for leftmost..rightmost
FPT_StripJog 3 (jog) touch-sensitive jog in jog mode
FPT_StripHold 4 value will be 0 for release, 1,2 for 1,2 fingers centered mode, -1,-2 for 1,2 fingers jog mode (will then send FPT_StripJog)
FPT_Previous 5 (button)
FPT_Next 6 (button)
FPT_PreviousNext 7 (jog) generic track selection
FPT_MoveJog 8 (jog) used to relocate items
FPT_Play 10 (button) play/pause
FPT_Stop 11 (button)
FPT_Record 12 (button)
FPT_Rewind 13 (hold) perform rewind, set value to SS_Start to start, set to SS_Stop to stop
FPT_FastForward 14 (hold) perform move forward, set value to SS_Start to start, set to SS_Stop to stop
FPT_Loop 15 (button)
FPT_Mute 16 (button)
FPT_Mode 17 (button) generic | record mode
FPT_Undo 20 (button) undo/redo last, | undo down in history
FPT_UndoUp 21 (button) undo up in history (no need to implement if no undo history)
FPT_UndoJog 22 (jog) undo in history (no need to implement if no undo history)
FPT_Punch 30 (hold) live selection
FPT_PunchIn 31 (button)
FPT_PunchOut 32 (button)
FPT_AddMarker 33 (button)
FPT_AddAltMarker 34 (button) add alternate marker
FPT_MarkerJumpJog 35 (jog) marker jump
FPT_MarkerSelJog 36 (jog) marker selection
FPT_Up 40 (button)
FPT_Down 41 (button)
FPT_Left 42 (button)
FPT_Right 43 (button)
FPT_HZoomJog 44 (jog) change horizontal zoom in active window (playlist/piano roll) or increase/decrease font size (browser)
FPT_VZoomJog 45 (jog) change vertical zoom in active window (playlist/piano roll) or increase/decrease font size (browser)
FPT_Snap 48 (button) snap on/off
FPT_SnapMode 49 (jog) snap mode
FPT_Cut 50 (button)
FPT_Copy 51 (button)
FPT_Paste 52 (button)
FPT_Insert 53 (button)
FPT_Delete 54 (button)
FPT_NextWindow 58 (button) TAB
FPT_WindowJog 59 (jog) window selection
FPT_F1 60 (button)
FPT_F2 61 (button) Rename selected mixer track
FPT_F3 62 (button)
FPT_F4 63 (button) Next empty pattern with naming dialog
FPT_F5 64 (button) Toggle Playlist
FPT_F6 65 (button) Toggle Step Sequencer
FPT_F7 66 (button) Toggle Piano roll
FPT_F8 67 (button) Open Plugin Picker
FPT_F9 68 (button) Show/hide Mixer
FPT_F10 69 (button) Show/hide MIDI settings
FPT_F11 70 (button) Show/hide song info window
FPT_F12 71 (button) Executes the close all windows menu item
FPT_Enter 80 (button) enter/accept
FPT_Escape 81 (button) escape/cancel
FPT_Yes 82 (button) yes
FPT_No 83 (button) no
FPT_Menu 90 (button) generic menu
FPT_ItemMenu 91 (button) item edit/tool/contextual menu
FPT_Save 92 (button)
FPT_SaveNew 93 (button) save as new version
FPT_PatternJog 100 (jog) pattern
FPT_TrackJog 101 (jog) mixerr track
FPT_ChannelJog 102 (jog) channel
FPT_TempoJog 105 (jog) tempo (in 0.1BPM increments)
FPT_TapTempo 106 (button) tempo tapping
FPT_NudgeMinus 107 (hold) tempo nudge -
FPT_NudgePlus 108 (hold) tempo nudge +
FPT_Metronome 110 (button) metronome
FPT_WaitForInput 111 (button) wait for input to start playing
FPT_Overdub 112 (button) overdub recording
FPT_LoopRecord 113 (button) loop recording
FPT_StepEdit 114 (button) step edit mode
FPT_CountDown 115 (button) countdown before recording
FPT_NextMixerWindow 120 (button) tabs between plugin windows in the current mixer track
FPT_MixerWindowJog 121 (jog) mixer window selection
FPT_ShuffleJog 122 main shuffle (in increments of 1)

Global transport flags

Parameter Value Documentation
GT_Cannot -1 not handled
GT_None 0 none
GT_Plugin 1 (handled by) Focused plugin
GT_Form 2 (handled by) Focused form
GT_Menu 4 (handled by) Menu
GT_Global 8 (handled) Globally
GT_All 15 All
GT_Delayed 5 Delayed handling (return value only)

StartStop options

Parameter Value Documentation
SS_Stop 0 Stop movement
SS_StartStep 1 Start movement, but only when FL Studio is in step editing mode.
SS_Start 2 Start movement.

Song length mode

Parameter Value Documentation
SONGLENGTH_MS 0 Length in ms
SONGLENGTH_S 1 Length in s.
SONGLENGTH_ABSTICKS 2 Length in absolute ticks
SONGLENGTH_BARS 3 Length in BST format (bars part), not implemented in setSongPos
SONGLENGTH_STEPS 4 Length in BST format (steps part), not implemented in setSongPos
SONGLENGTH_TICKS 5 Length in BST format (ticks part), not implemented in setSongPos

PME flags

Parameter Value Documentation
PME_System 2 Can do system stuff (play/pause.. mostly safe things)
PME_System_Safe 4 Can do critical system stuff (add markers.. things that can't be done when a modal window is shown)
PME_PreviewNote 8 note trigger previews notes | controls stuff
PME_FromHost 16 when the app is hosted
PME_FromMIDI 32 coming from MIDI event

Current track flags

Parameter Value Documentation
curfxScrollToMakeVisible 1 Scroll to visible track
curfxCancelSmoothing 2 Cancel smooting
curfxNoDeselectAll 4 [todo] needs explanation
curfxMinimalLatencyUpdate 8 [todo] needs explanation

Track type

Parameter Value Documentation
TN_Master 0 Master
TN_FirstIns 1 First insert
TN_LastIns 2 Last insert
TN_Sel 3 Selected

IsIncrement flags

Parameter Value Documentation
II_Absolute 0 Absolute
II_Increment 1 Increement
II_Switch 2 Switch

Open event editor modes

Parameter Value Documentation
EE_EE 0 Controller editor
EE_PR 1 Piano Roll
EE_PL 2 Playlist

Track peaks mode

Parameter Value Documentation
PEAK_L 0 Current peak for the left channel
PEAK_R 1 Current peak for the right channel
PEAK_LR 2 Current maximum peak of the peaks from left and right channel
PEAK_L_INV 0 Current peak for the left channel (inverted)
PEAK_R_INV 1 Current peak for the right channel (inverted)
PEAK_LR_INV 3 Current maximum peak of the peaks from left and right channel (inverted)

Song tick modes

Parameter Value Documentation
ST_Int 0 (TODO: needs explanation)
ST_Beat 1 Beat
ST_PGB 2 (TODO: needs explanation)

Pickup Follow modes

Parameter Value Documentation
PIM_None 0 do not use pickup
PIM_AlwaysPickup 1 always use pickup
PIM_FollowGlobal 2 follow FL Studio global pickup setting

Get linked info result flags

Parameter Value Documentation
Event_CantInterpolate 1 (TODO: needs explanation)
Event_Float 2 (TODO: needs explanation)
Event_Centered 4 (TODO: needs explanation)

Find next empty pattern flags

Parameter Value Documentation
FFNEP_FindFirst 0 Find first pattern
FFNEP_DontPromptName 2 Don't prompt pattern name

Get Color flags

Parameter Value Documentation
GC_BackgroundColor 0 Retrieves the darkest background color of the GUI
GC_Semitone 1 Retrieves semitone color (Currently implemented in FPC to get pads color)

GetPadName parameter options

Parameter Value Documentation
PAD_Count 0 Retrieve number of pad parameters supported by plugin
PAD_Semitone 1 Retrieve semitone for pad specified by padIndex
PAD_Color 2 Retrieve color for pad specified by padIndex

Get Name flags (not all parameters works in all plugins)

Parameter Value Documentation
FPN_Param 0 Retrieve name of plugin parameter (defined by paramIndex)
FPN_ParamValue 1 Retrieve text value of plugin parameter (defined by paramIndex)
FPN_Semitone 2 Retrieve name of note defined by plugin (by paramIndex)
FPN_Patch 3 Retrieve name of patch defined by plugin (by paramIndex)
FPN_VoiceLevel 4 Retrieve name of per-voice parameter defined by plugin (by paramIndex)
FPN_VoiceLevelHint 5 Retrieve (longer) name of per-voice parameter defined by plugin (by paramIndex)
FPN_Preset 6 For plugins that support internal presets (mainly for the wrapper plugin), retrieve the name for preset at paramIndex
leave paramIndex parameter empty or use midi.GPN_GetCurrentPreset to get current preset name
FPN_OutCtrl 7 for plugins that output controllers, retrieve the name of output controller paramIndex
FPN_VoiceColor 8 retrieve name of per-voice color (MIDI channel) (by paramIndex)
FPN_OutVoice 9 for plugins that output voices, retrieve the name of output voice (by paramIndex)

Save undo flags

Parameter Value Documentation
UF_None 0
UF_EE 1 Event editor
UF_PR 2 Piano roll
UF_PL 4 Playlist
UF_EEPR 3 Event editor + piano roll
UF_KNOB 32 Automated control
UF_AudioRec 256 Audio recording
UF_AutoClip 512 Automation clip
UF_PRMarker 1024 Pattern marker
UF_PLMarker 2048 Playlist marker
UF_Plugin 4096 Plugin
UF_SSLooping 8192 Step Sequencer looping
UF_Reset 65536 Reset undo history

Snap mode constants

Parameter Value Documentation
Snap_Line 0 Snap to line
Snap_Cell 1 Snap to cell
Snap_None 3 no snap
Snap_SixthStep 4 Snap to sixth step
Snap_FourthStep 5 Snap to fourth step
Snap_ThirdStep 6 Snap to third step
Snap_HalfStep 7 Snap to half step
Snap_Step 8 Snap to step
Snap_SixthBeat 9 Snap to sixth beat
Snap_FourthBeat 10 Snap to fourth beat
Snap_ThirdBeat 11 Snap to third beat
Snap_HalfBeat 12 Snap to half beat
Snap_Beat 13 Snap to beat
Snap_Bar 14 Snap to bar

FL window constants

Parameter Value Documentation
widMixer 0 Mixer
widChannelRack 1 Channel rack
widPlaylist 2 Playlist
widPianoRoll 3 Piano roll
widBrowser 4 Browser
widPlugin 5 Plugin window (only available inside getFocused function)
widPluginEffect 6 Effect Plugin window (only available inside getFocused/setFocused/getFocusedFormID functions)
widPluginGenerator 7 Generator Plugin window (only available inside getFocused/setFocused/getFocusedFormID functions)

FL Browser node types

Parameter Value Documentation
SBN_FLP 1 FL studio project
SBN_ZIP 2 Zipped archive
SBN_FLM 3 FL studio project
SBN_FST 4 FL Studio state preset
SBN_DS 5 Ds file
SBN_SS 6 SS file
SBN_WAV 7 Wav file
SBN_XI 8 XI file
SBN_FPR 9 Fpr file
SBN_FSC 10 FSC file
SBN_SF2 11 SF2 file
SBN_Speech 12 Speech file
SBN_MP3 13 MP3 file
SBN_OGG 14 Ogg file
SBN_FLAC 15 Flac file
SBN_OSM 16 OSM file
SBN_REX 17 REX file
SBN_DWP 18 DirectWave preset
SBN_FNV 19 FNV file
SBN_FXB 20 FXB file
SBN_TXT 22 Text file
SBN_BMP 23 Image
SBN_WV 24 WV file
SBN_TS 25 TS file
SBN_RBS 26 RBS file
SBN_MID 27 Midi file
SBN_FLEXPack 28 Flex pack
SBN_NEWS 29 News item
SBN_SHOP 30 Shop item(unused)
SBN_LIB 31 Library item
SBN_LIBOWNED 32 Library item(owned)
SBN_NOTIFICATION 33 Notification item
SBN_DOWNLOAD 34 Download item
SBN_M4A 35 M4A file
SBN_REDIRECT 37 Redirect item