FL Studio 12.0.2



Wrapper: new option to determine what bit size to load for a plugin
FL Studio ASIO: added “clip” option


Fixed crash in about window
Fixed generic links behaviour for effect plugins
Fixed loading 64bit plugins in FL 64bit
Fixed jpg support in FL 64bit
Fixed MRU color system in rename window
Fixed Fruity Slicer preset in plugin database
Fixed key value on export of score pdf
Fixed event recording bug
Fixed “item menu button” bug in 64bit
Plugin Scanner: various bugfixes
Control Surface: button saves/loads wrong state
Convolver, Slicex: fixed popup menu bug
Dashboard: fixed crash when exporting as text
DirectWave: fixed import of 3rd party sound banks
Download Manager: doesn’t remove “downloaded” (link) folders anymore
Edison, Slicex, Convolver: fixed noise profile doesn’t work right in 64bit
Harmor: fixed GUI glitch
Newtone: fixed sample properties window
Parametric EQ2: bugfix
Patcher: fixed bug loading newtone
Patcher: fixed missing preset arrows
Scratcher: fixed crash on right click
Sytrus: fixed X/Y control over other controls
Sytrus: fixed black rectangle bug
Wrapper: fixed problem loading wrapper options
Wrapper: fixed crash loading MrRay73 plugin in FL 64bit
Wrapper: fixed reset of parameters of interfaceless plugins
Wrapper: fixed behaviour of parameters for Fruity Compressor (FL 64bit)