Lifetime Free Updates


FL STUDIO updates are free for life!

Buy the FL Studio Edition you want, then all future updates are free. Nothing to pay ever again ...

In the music software world, it's typical to be charged between $150-250 for each update or to be asked to pay a subscription. With FL Studio will you will always get the latest release free. We believe you should get the program you paid for bug-fixed and enhanced for as long as we develop FL Studio.

Lifetime Free Updates 25 years and going strong

Find out what new features our customers have received free, for over 20 years. (see below)

  Find out what new features customers have received free for 25+ years below

Is everything added, in future, to FL Studio free?

Not everything - Sometimes we develop new synthesizers, effects or tools and add them to specific Editions. You'll notice, from the feature comparison page how these Editions have different core features and plugin bundles.

You will get your FL Studio Edition, and the plugins included at the time of purchase, updated free for the life of the product/s. Sometimes we will add new core features free to your FL Studio Edition (example). So there will always be something to look forward to with every release, no matter what FL Studio Edition you own.

As a bonus, customers can also download and use previous releases from here.